#1: This Burt's Bees lotion is my savior with the cold and dry weather we are having...I have one at work and one at home so I can slather it on after washing my hands and whenever I'm feeling really dry.
3rd thing I can't live without...My mother-in-law who helped me with my first major home renovation project yesterday...tearing out the stairway carpet! Here is a before and after shot...still need to stain them and finish painting the trim.
#4...my cats. They are so cozy and warm and keep me endlessly entertained.
My fifth favorite thing right now is kiwi...I've been eating one with a banana in the morning and it is oh so yummy! Plus I get two of my fruits out of the way by 8:30 am!
On to #6: the living room rug we are getting tonight. I hate when things don't match, and for over a month I've been living with a new sofa and old rug that grossly clashed. Tonight, I will be able to breath easy as I sit on my chocolate brown couch and look at my brown, green and blue matching rug....ahhhh.
#7 which should be #1...my new office space. I finally have my own private office space and I'm in heaven!! This week I get to move again to a space with a window...this is just too much for one girl to handle! ;)
Hmmm...#8...feeling healthy! I am back to a normal eating routine, drinking coffee and feeling great! After being so sick, this is like a miracle (I had an intestinal infection that kept me sick for a month).
The 9th reason I'm a happy camper: My hubby is coaching baseball again! Our high school has a new coach and he asked him to be the pitching coach!! He is so excited and I can't wait to see him out on the field again.
And....drumroll please...
The #10 thing that has me giddy with excitement...fun new blogs! Here are a few I just discovered that are so inspiring:
Print + Pattern
Oh Joy!
Another Shade of Grey
Scrappy Girl Decorates
What's your salvation?
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