A few random thoughts in my head this morning...
I keep forgetting to zip my pants because I'm so used to those darn elastic maternity pants! This is really going to cause me some embarrassment if I don't watch it!
I am in love with a new headband I got last week from the Vera Wang line at Kohl's...super comfy! It looks like a regular headband, but its flexible and has an elastic band to keep it in place. I need to go pick up one in black...maybe on my lunch break today...
Saw Dark Knight on Saturday. I'm going to go against the grain and say the I wasn't super impressed. It was entertaining enough, and Heath Ledger was a good joker, but I wasn't blown away by any means.
Trying to find the hubs a new job so that he can work part time and be home with the boys more. Daycare costs an arm and a leg, even with the affordable one we found.
Loving Etsy right now...looking for a few things to buy with my birthday $$.
Trying to eat healthier and sneak in exercise when I have the time. I walked my pre-pregnancy route last night. It was tough but I did it...felt sooo good!
And some new pics of us and the boys...I could just eat them up they are so adorable!!
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