1. The Brave Girls Club...
I signed up for their daily emails yesterday and boy are they inspirational and just what I need to hear first thing in the morning. You can sign up for their daily emails here!
2. This salsa...
I am addicted. I could literally eat this stuff for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And it most certainly is a health food...black beans, corn, tomatoes. I'm such a health nut.
And the profits go to charity, so I'm a philanthropic health nut. Even better!
3. These adorable cupcake banners from FabulousFabulous...
So sweet and unique! I want one for my next birthday...attached to two chocolate cupcakes please.
4. This felt wine sleeve tutorial from Alissa...
Such an adorable and personalized way to present a bottle of wine for the holidays. {see...I snuck a little bit of Christmas in after all! I'm sooo sneaky.}
5. This lotion...
I'm in looove with this lemony scented lotion from J.R. Watkins Apothecary. And the best part is that I scored quite a few gift sets (including hand cream and cuticle cream) at our local flea market for about 1/4 of the retail price. Soft hands at a bargain price. Score indeed.
So that's it for today's list. What are you loving today friends?
I'm loving your list!!! x
we have a local flea market? spill!
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