I just realized that I've been away from the blog world for 2 weeks now...shame on me! Things have been busy I guess, plus we were gone all last week for our anniversary. On Sunday the 7th we drove to Lexington with my parents to visit my grandparents. They just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary...aren't they cute?!

I made them a scrapbook of the years they have been together from their wedding to present day. They had so much fun looking at it. It was great to visit with them but the time passed by way too fast.
On Monday before we left for our trip we met with a kitchen contractor who works with and Amish man that makes the cabinets from solid wood, and for about half the price of store bought cabinets. We're waiting to get his quote and praying that it will work out.
We had a lot of fun during our week in Chicago...shopped a bunch and ate out more than I care to do again in such a short time span...but it was a lot of good food! Our first shopping trip was to IKEA and I finally got an Expedit bookshelf for my scrapbook room! I'm really excited about it...now if I can just get Dan to put it together. :) We passed on the kitchen cabinet idea after meeting with the contractor, and realizing that we were insane to think we could fit that much in our car. That decision definitely lowered my stress level by a ton. We watched a bunch of movies while we were there...Knocked Up being my favorite. I haven't laughed that hard in a looong time! Thursday was our anniversary and it was very low key...had our favorite Chicago style pizza from Giordano's and exchanged our gifts. Dan got me a cute purse and slippers from Old Navy and the new KT Tunstall CD. I got him a Red's sweatshirt.

By Sunday we were on our way home and I was so glad to be back in my cozy house with Melvin and Chloe. I hated leaving them for that long!
I do plan on getting some scrapbooking done soon, so I will be sure to share my creations. Hope everyone is having a great week!