Tuesday, November 28, 2006
{where's my motivation?}
Monday, November 27, 2006
{Thanksgiving Weekend Recap}
So Thanksgiving break was so nice and relaxing, although it went by too fast. We accomplished quite a bit in those 5 days. Spent Thursday with Dan's family at his Mom's house. Everyone from her side was there and it was a fun day with a lot of great food. The guys played football in the street and they were all sore afterward...they're not young enough to do that stuff anymore...LOL
On Friday I got to see Mom, Dad, Carrie and Matt for coffee at Sacred Grounds. That afternoon Dan and I went to HH Gregg and got a new TV... very exciting! Its a 32" LCD for the mantle. :) Friday night was spent at Joyce's with her family...most of them played poker...it was a marathon game that lasted over 5 hours!! Needless to say I was ready to go home by 2 am!
On Saturday we went to
Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Pete and Faith's...Faith and I chatted about baby stuff while the guys played cards and football. I also finished the hallway trim that I had been painting (although there are still miles and miles left to paint...I'm trying to break it down into chunks so I don't get too overwhelmed).
It was a busy, but fun break and I hate that its back to work as usual. Christmas will be here before we know it though! I'm hoping next year for the holidays, Dan and I will be able to share it with a son or daughter (or at least have one on the way :))
Here are a few pics of our tree trimming party and other holiday decor...enjoy!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
{2peas T-day 20}
Do you cook all or part of the meal? I bring a dish - this year I'm making a pecan pie and broccoli casserole
How much do you spend buying groceries for the meal? probably about $15-$20
Do you eat at home or go to someone else’s? Someone else - either my parent's or hubby's Mom's house
Describe your perfect bite? a little turkey and a big bite of my Mom's stuffing with gravy
White meat or dark? white
Stuffing with giblets or without? Huh? I don't think I want to eat a giblet
Anything you won’t eat at the Thanksgiving meal? cranberry sauce
Carve Mr. Gobble at the table or serve on a platter? on a platter
Favorite pie? toss up between pecan and pumpkin
Formal table or Chinet? formal at parents, chinet at MIL's
Your menu? not sure until we get there, but I know we'll have turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes
Favorite leftover? my Mom's stuffing
Extended family, friends, both or just the immediate family for dinner? extended family on hubby's side, immediate family on my side
After dinner, do you go to the latest movie or football on TV? watch football, chat with the other ladies
Do you watch the Macy’s Parade? bits and pieces
Christmas decorations up before or after? this year I may start putting up some before, but the tree will be decorated on Saturday
Black Friday shopping or sleep in? Sleep in!
Any special Thanksgiving tradition? not really, just enjoy time with family
Favorite thing about Thanksgiving? My Mom's stuffing and broccoli casserole
Favorite Thanksgiving memory? Just the warm feeling of spending time with family and eating good food
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
{just a good day}
I'm reeeeaaaaally excited to decorate for Christmas...I may have to break my rule and start before Thanskgiving. :) We don't spend T-day at home anyway, so that's my excuse for why I can start early.

Been having a lot of fun with Chloe lately. She is really starting to form a personality and has become quite the lap cat (much to Melvin's dismay). She loves to get underneath blankets...so cute. Here are a couple pictures of

Sunday, November 19, 2006
{it was time for a change

Say hello to the new me!! I cut it yesterday and loooove it...feels so good to have it off of my neck! Next up is new frames for my glasses. :)
Enjoying a nice, relaxing Sunday. Had breakfast with Mom and Dad at Cracker Barrel and I think Dan and I are going to do some shopping this afternoon...I need a new winter coat for work desperately. Hopefully we'll find some good sales!
Happy Sunday everyone!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
{long time no blog}
I did my first scrapbooking related project yesterday in over two weeks and it felt sooo good! I made a calendar for my sister for Christmas and I'm really proud of how it turned out. I couldn't believe that I finished it in one day! (well, I do still have to add a photo to each month, but that's it). I think she's really going to like it. I'm also going to make one for my sister-in-law, Dan's Mom and I have another one I haven't assigned to anyone yet.
My friend Liz is getting married on Dec. 9th and I'm in the wedding! It is fun to be helping with wedding stuff again. We got our dresses last weekend at David's Bridal and they are really pretty...they are red, full length, with a halter top and embroidered overlay in the back. I helped her make the invitations and it was so fun...makes me want to try my hand at the stationery business again.
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and I'm going to make a big change...I'm cutting it shorter, probably mid-neck length. I just can't take it this long anymore...I'm always pulling it back so what's the point? I'll definitely post an after pic. :)
I'm sooo excited to decorate for Christmas this year! I've gotten a bunch of new decor items and we got a new tree...pre-lit! I'm very happy about not having to put the lights on it this year...and the branches are hinged so I don't even have to put it together! (yeah...I'm lazy...so what?? ;)
That's about all from me for today...cheers!