I joked to the hubs on Friday night, as we had a nice Valentine's Day dinner without the boys, that we go on more dates now than before we were parents.
We are very blessed to have so many willing babysitters for the boys. My parents watched them on Friday night so we could go out, and the hub's mom watched them Saturday for a few hours so we could have some alone time. Of course that was partly spent buying baby food at Meijer, but whatever.
We also exchanged our Valentine's Day gifts, well, sort of. The hubs got a couple fun Etsy finds...some
beer soap, yes BEER soap.
Perfect for him.
And to continue with the booze theme, a
bottle opener with a picture of Jackie Robinson, one of his favorite baseball players.

He hadn't had time to go out to get a gift for me, so on our way around town, we stopped at Cracker Barrel, so he could buy me a mug that I had been eyeing. I waited in the car to make it a bit more exciting. LOL :) Oh how things change once you have babies. I'm a simple girl and I love my mug.

I also found some great deals this weekend at Dillards...huge clearance sale. I got a new winter coat...super cute grey wool Kenneth Cole number marked down to $38!

And this green 3/4 sleeve sweater for $12 marked down from $65! Score!

And in very exciting baby news...Ben is getting his first tooth!! The jagged edges are just above the gums. Poor little guy was so fussy all weekend. Hopefully today it will pop through and he'll get some relief!
We also got a couple house projects done on Saturday thanks to help from my mother-in-law. The hubs hung up the bamboo roman shade in the living room that we've had waiting in the corner for a few months now. I love the way it looks. It really finished the window. You can also see off the the left a metal basket hanging on the wall. I've been wanting to hang it for a few weeks now to store our gloves and the boys' hats. Such a simple thing but such a big difference getting everything in one place, and up off the floor.

It was a great weekend...productive and full of love. Hope yours was the same!